
Dealing with Adversity: Stoic Strategies from Marcus Aurelius

  "Meditations" is a work of wisdom that contains many themes worth pondering. Self-reflection is a key theme, as Marcus Aurelius emphasises the importance of reflecting on one's own actions and thoughts, and advocates the constant search for self-improvement. In addition, fate and free will were among his concerns. He believed that everyone has the ability to control their own destiny, and that free will is essential to personal growth. Inner peace was another important value he advocated, and he encouraged people to find inner peace as a way to achieve happiness. Moreover, morality and ethics were also his focus, which he considered to be important principles guiding human behaviour. Finally, the meaning of life was a topic he explored in depth, encouraging everyone to find their purpose in life and to strive for it. These themes are not only explored in "Meditations", but also provide the reader with much food for thought. Here are some of the key highlights